equipment specification

Yamaha CL5 Sound Control, Yamaha M7 Sound Control, Rio Dante Stage Boxes, L-Acoustics ARC II, L-Acoustics dV-SUB, D&B M4 Stage Monitoring, Shure UHF-R Radio Microphones, Shure UR4-D Dual Receivers, Sennheiser IEMs, Chauvet ColorDash Par Quads, Chauvet Rogue R1 Spots, Elation Platinum 5R, Avolites Tiger Touch Pro, ETC Source Four Juniors, 63A Power Distribution, Event Deck Staging.

Service: full production

event brief

Cloud One supplied full production for Leicester City Council Festivals Team for their Summer Festival. The main site was an eighteen-metre span geometric dome structure erected in Jubilee Square in the City.

All planning and sound modelling for this space had to be done without a site visit as the structure would not be ready until days before opening. All plans were designed in 3D from CAD drawings of the structure.

The unexpected challenge for this project was having to source and install acoustic drapes with days to spare once access was gained to the dome and there was all manner of reflections and reverberations present. All worked out, and sell-out crowds came to watch BC Camplight, British Sea Power and more.


Send us a note about an event you have in mind and one of our Project Managers will be in touch to discuss your requirements.