equipment specification

A full audio-visual package was supplied utilising Dante networking protocol and Yamaha’s Gain Compensation technology between the FOH desk and recording desk. FOH consisted of L Acoustics Kara II coupled with SB18’s providing an even coverage over the audience. A combination of AKG, Neumann, Sennheiser and Shure microphones captured the service including performances from British Army Band Catterick and Aurum Vocale Choir.

Visuals were comprised of static and roving Sony and Panasonic cameras with the addition of a jib cam, all mixed and controlled via a VMix system in our OB truck and projected onto two 3.5 x 2mtr, 3.9mm LED modular screens for audience visuals.

Service: Full Production

event brief

2023 marked 60 years since the last National Serviceman was demobbed, and therefore, the end of the National Service era. Commissioned by the Royal British Legion in collaboration with the National Memorial Arboretum, the exhibition took visitors on a journey, walking through every element of life for National Servicemen, from enlistment, through to medical, training, deployment and finally returning to their civilian lives with demobilisation.
Cloud One were contracted to provide an audio-visual package with recording capability, along with audio distribution for musical performances in the hospitality areas.


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